Journey - Walking With The Holy Spirit

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JOURNEY: Walking with the Holy Spirit

Navigating complexities on the journey of life isn't easy. Jesus tells us as much when he says, "In this world you will have trouble." As he was about to leave, he told his disciples, "I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the [Holy Spirit] will not come to you." In light of Jesus' words, it becomes important to understand who this Spirit is, how it can be good news to have him and not Jesus, and what difference he makes in our lives.

In this study, we will unpack these questions and more as we seek to help you experience walking with the Holy Spirit in a deeper way.
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Author: P2C Students
Paperback: 78 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 19.2 x 24.2 x .8 cm / 220g
Publisher: P2C Students
Language: English