
Faith Of Our Fathers

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FAITH OF OUR FATHERS: Finding God in Ancient China (Updated)
Chinese civilization is generally referred to as having an unbroken history of more than 4000 years. In the landmark book, Dr Thong Chan-Kei brings to light some startling and fascinating revelations of God's "fingerprints" throughout China's long history. With much clarity and accessibility, Thong establishes that the original form of worship in China was monotheistic and was in a manner similar to those found in Genesis, the first book of both the Hebrew and the Christian scriptures.

Indications of God's hand on China include:

  • The Chinese language itself, which reflects knowledge of the first events of human history as recorded in the book of Genesis
  • The old name Chinese gave to their country, Shen Zhou (God's country), which is revealing of their consciousness of God's ultimate sovereignty
  • The annual prayers and sacrifices at the Temple of Heaven, which have extraordinary parallels with the blood covenants in the Old Testament
  • The Chinese emperors, who were called the "Sons of Heaven" and were regarded as an intermediary between Shang Di and the Chinese people

You will be intrigued and captivated by Thong's compelling account of how God has had his hand on China, and His involvement in significant events of China's history, thus revealing His desire to receive humanity unto Himself.

Author: Dr. Thong, Chan Kei with Charlene L. Fu
Paperback: 330 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 17 x 22.5 x 1.8 cm / 535g
Publisher/Date: CRU Asia Limited / 2018
Language: English (Also available in Chinese)