
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Real (Book 3)

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The sisters of the Yada Yada Prayer Group are learning how to be real. With each other and with God.

After a particularly exhausting year with the Yada Yada Prayer Group, all Jodi Baxter wants is a break. She even asks God for a little "dull and boring" in the new year. Instead she finds that when you're open to His plans, life is unpredictable in the best and hardest ways.
Jodi's life is suddenly full of changes, and they can be described as anything but boring. Out of all the Yada Yadas, God has Leslie "Stu" Suart move into the Baxter's upstairs flat, which requires a lot of patience and tongue-biting on Jodi's part. She's continually unnerved by guilt stemming from the accident and dreads the day when she comes face-to-face with Hakim's mother. Plus, Bandana Woman, who was safely locked up in prison, has returned. Phew!
Through prayer and friendship, the Yada Yadas are getting real. Dull and boring? Not a chance.
About the Author
Neta Jackson's award-winning Yada Yada series has sold more than 800,000 copies and has spawned prayer groups around the globe.

Author: Neta Jackson
Paperback: 418 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 13.9 x 21.2 x 3.0 cm / 386g
Publisher/Date: Thomas Nelson, Inc./2013
Language: English