Together - Influencing Others Through Discipleship

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Together - Influencing Others Through Discipleship

Influencing Others Through Discipleship

Have you ever read Jesus' words, "make disciples of all nations, teaching them everything I have commanded" and just decided, "well, I give up"? The task feels like it was designed for those super Christians with Old Testament life verses and perma-smiles, not normal people like you and me. But Jesus actually intended all of his followers to be disciple makers. He invites us to partner with what the Holy Spirit is already doing in the lives of those in our sphere of influence. In this four lesson guide we'll look at what Jesus' pattern for discipleship was and why it's still so effective today, what good discipleship looks like, and how to focus in this crazy busy time of life. Together, we can make disciples.
Together is a four-week study on discipleship. In these four lessons, we’ll look at Jesus’ pattern for discipleship and why it’s still so effective today. We’ll explore what good discipleship looks like, and how to carry out discipleship in this crazy busy time of life. Together, we can make disciples.
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Author: P2C Students
Paperback: 77 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 19.2 x 24.2 x .8 cm / 225g
Publisher: P2C Students
Language: English