Thirsty - A Devotional on Living a Spirit-Filled Life
(14 Self-Study Devotions)
If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.
-Jesus (John 7:37)
Thirsty is a two-week devotional that expands and develops on all the concepts of the Spirit-Filled Life, devoting a day’s lesson to reflect on each principle. The first four devotions focus on the person of the Holy Spirit, delivering content found in the Transferable Concepts. The next six devotions are on walking in the Spirit, exploring the topics of confession, lordship, reliance, the Spirit’s leading, worship, and expectancy. The final few days delve into the fruit and gifts of the Spirit as well as the Spirit’s empowerment to witness. Any and all aspects of the Spirit-filled life are covered over fourteen daily devotions.
Section One
Person of the Spirit
Indwelling of the Spirit
Eternal Security by the Spirit
Empowerment of the Spirit
Section Two
Walking in the Spirit
Abiding in the Spirit
Being Led by the Spirit
Worship in the Spirit
Expectancy and Humility
Section Three
Power to Witness
Power for Holiness
Power to Serve
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
There are at least a half-dozen concepts (abiding, lordship, confession, reliance, empowerment, etc.) that are introduced, but not fully explained within the booklet. From Confession to Lordship, the Spirit-Filled Life is a matrix of many spiritual principles all of which cannot be, nor were designed to be, addressed in a single booklet or presentation.
Author: Rick James
Dimensions/Weight: 18.8 x 19.5 x 0.5 cm / 170g
Publisher/Date: CruPress / 2019
Language: English