The Ultimate Road Trip: A Guide To Leading Small Groups
The health and success of a ministry is hinged directly to the health and success of small groups. Our ministry is comprised of the building blocks of small groups. Considering the importance and complexity of the task it is disturbing to reflect on how little training small group leaders actually receive. And that is where this resource fits into the ministry.
The Ultimate Roadtrip was written to communicate all of the subtle, and not so subtle, nuances of leading a small group. It covers content, group dynamics, atmosphere, vulnerability and questions that help create a life-changing community. It fully equips the small group leader for the task they’ve been entrusted with and fills out the teaching with dozens of relatable stories and examples-good and bad.
Chapter Topics
- Lesson Preparation
- Lesson Content
- Creating Community
- Groups With a Purpose
- The Right Questions
- Facilitating Life Change
- Common Roadblocks and Problems
- Incorporating Outreach
- Qualities of a Successful Group Leader
Author: Campus Crusade for Christ
Paperback: 179 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 15.8 x 24.1 x 1.0 cm / 345g
Publisher/Date: Cru Press / 2008
Language: English