The Marriage Builder
Creating True Oneness to Transform Your Marriage
Bestselling author Larry Crabb cuts to the heart of the biblical view of marriage: the one-flesh relationship. He argues convincingly that the deepest needs of human personality--security and significance--ultimately cannot be satisfied by a marriage partner. We need to turn to the Lord, rather than our spouse, to satisfy our needs. This frees both partners for soul oneness, a commitment to minister to our spouse's needs rather than manipulating them to meet our own needs. With soul oneness comes renewed body oneness, where couples enjoy sexual pleasure as an expression and outgrowth of a personal relationship.
The Marriage Builder also identifies three building blocks essential to constructing marriage: the grace of God, true marriage commitment, and acceptance of one's mate. Discussion questions are included to aid couples who want to dig into it and apply the principles to their own lives and marriages. The Marriage Builder is for anyone who longs to transform marriage from trial to triumph.
Author: Dr. Larry Crabb
Paperback: 218 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 14 x 21.5 x 1.5 cm / 226g
Publisher/Date: Zondervan / 2013
Language: English