The Chosen For Kids Book One: A 40-Day devotional book
The Chosen For Kids Book One
A 40-Day devotional book
You're never to old or too young to study God's Word!
Whether you are 8, 12, or any of the years in between, this book is for you. This book will help you—along with your parents—discover the joy, peace, and wonder found only in a forever friendship with Him.
Each of the forty devotions includes a Scripture, a closer look into a Gospel story, prayer time, and questions that lead you further in your relationship with God.
Author: Amanda Jenkins and Tara McClary Reeves, Illustrated by Kristen Hendricks
Imitation leather: 128 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 12.3 x 17.1 x 1.2 cm / 185g
Publisher/Date: BroadStreet Kids Publishing / 2023
Language: English