This classic by a Master Apologist is still consistently one of the top titles in apologetics!
For over 25 years Josh McDowell has been giving readers thought-provoking insights into the events surrounding Christ's life and asking whether they could all be explained by coincidence. Asking the hard questions about the reliability of biblical records, psychological profiles of disciples and apostles (would they die for a lie if the stories are not true?) and whether or not Jesus can be considered simply a good man who spoke some wise words, the author shows the light of truth while not overwhelming the reader with too much text. Designed as a missions and evangelism tool, this book has a proven track record!
Author: Josh and Sean McDowell
Paperback: 179 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 17.5 x 10.5 x 1.4 cm / 100g
Publisher/Date: Tyndale / 2009
Language: English (Also available in Arabic, Chinese (simplified), French, Russian and Ukrainian)