Marriage Oneness workbooks (2 per set)

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The hope of deep, soul-level harmony is why we get married in the first place. It’s that good. But oneness doesn’t just happen. Couples make it happen. And it can deepen over the lifetime of a marriage.
The Marriage Oneness Couple's Set includes two copies of the participant workbook and a Marriage Oneness Profile. Designed in magazine format as a listening guide for couples, the Marriage Oneness Workbook, when used with the eight video-based sessions, equips couples to grow in true intimacy, connection, and purpose. The workbook is filled with invaluable information, vignettes, real-life success stories, inspirational quotes, helpful resource information, and more.
The confidential Marriage Oneness Profile will lead couples to assess their closeness in the seven key areas that are covered in the study.


1. Marriage Oneness is a video based study that is different in teaching style (one teacher from a stage) and is a bit more in depth.

2. The Art of Marriage is a more visually pleasing and engaging video study that goes less in depth than Marriage Oneness but has a broader appeal.

3. The Art of Marriage Connect Series are conversation based studies that don’t include any video. They are centered on one particular subject rather than covering many subjects.

Product details
Author: Tim  and Lea Lundy, Robert Lewis
Paperback: 137 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 20.2 x 25.5 x 1.6 cm / 855g
ISBN: 9781602003668

Publisher/Date: FamilyLife / 2010
Language: English