
Jesus: Dead Or Alive?

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Evidence for the Resurrection

You've never seen anybody come back to life after being dead for three days. Nobody you know has ever seen anybody come back to life after being dead for three days. But that doesn't mean it's never happened!
No one debates the fact that a Jewish peasant named Jesus was put to death in Palestine 2,000 years ago, but there's been plenty of debate ever since about what happened next. Two thousand years of believing Christians have been convinced that even though they (just like you) have never seen anybody come back to life after being dead for three days, that's exactly what happened: Jesus rose from the grave! 
Now you can see for yourself the evidence that has persuaded hundreds of millions of people for a couple thousand years... and you can find out why Jesus' resurrection changes everything.
About the Authors
Josh McDowell has given more than 23,000 talks to over 10 million young people in 115 countries since he began his ministry in 1961. He is the author or coauthor of 112 books, which have sold more than 51 million copies worldwide. These include Evidence That Demands a Verdict, which was recognized by World magazine as one of the twentieth century's top-40 books, and More Than a Carpenter, which has sold more than 15 million copies.
Sean McDowell graduated summa cum laude from Talbot Theological Seminary with a double Masters Degree in Philosophy and Theology. He is the head of the Bible department at Capistrano Valley Christian Schools. He is a nationally recognized speaker for schools, conferences, churches and camps, and is the national spokesman for Wheatstone Academy, an organization committed to training young people in a biblical worldview. Sean is coauthor of Understanding Intelligent Design and Ethix: Being Bold in a Whatever World, and he is the general editor of The Apologetics Study Bible for Students.

Author: Josh & Sean McDowell
Paperback: 126 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 14.0 x 21.6 x 0.9 cm / 144g
Publisher/Date: Baker Books / 2009
Language: English