LeaderImpact Integrated Life Series
FOUNDATIONS | Chinese (Simplified)
FOUNDATIONS | Chinese (Simplified)
Max De Pree writes in his famous book Leadership Is An Art: “The primary responsibility of a leader is to define reality.”
This is a powerful and often overlooked insight into the role of a leader. So much is attributed to the power of vision: the ability to paint a beautiful picture of the future and the ability to inspire others to get there.
Casting vision is a great skill; however, leaders must know where people are to begin with before they can move them from A to B. The power of De Pree’s statement is realizing that A needs to come before B. Without clearly understanding A, the current reality of your organization, your people and yourself, it is impossible to chart a meaningful journey from A to B.
Within this Foundations Participant's Workbook, each participant fills out an assessment, with questions that delve into the personal, professional and spiritual aspects of a leader’s life. The goal is to determine a current state and to allow you to look back periodically throughout your journey to see how far you have travelled - to encourage you that your effort and commitment to greater purpose and impact in your life are worth it!