Flesh: An Unbreakable Habit Of Purity In A Pornographic World (Men's Edition)
Flesh (Men's Edition) deals fearlessly with lust, sex and pornogrrapy in a clear, comprehensive manner. This much needed resource is aimed at high schoolers, college students and twenty-somethings who have been weaned on the internet and are surrounded by sexual imagery.
Written in a straightforward, gracious and often humorous style, FLESH does not stir up guilt but helps readers develop an unbreakable habit of purity amidst a pornographic world. Small group Bible study materials are included, as well as daily devotionals to transform the heart and mind on the way to establishing new habits of purity.
Author: Rick James
Paperback: 136 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 21.5 x 13.8 x 0.7 cm / 249g
Publisher/Date: WSN Press / 2004
Language: English