Contextualize - Translating Culture into Gospel Communication
Culture is everywhere. It shapes how we view the world. Everything we eat, think, say, and do is influenced by the culture in which we grew up. Nothing on this planet is untouched by culture, including how we view Jesus and the gospel. Though the truths of the gospel transcend culture and apply to all people, the way we communicate those truths is not always universally understood. How you interpret, understand, and explain the gospel might be very different than how someone from a different culture does. In this study we will look into the book of Acts for examples of how to effectively contextualize the gospel for others. We will also learn how to better recognize our own cultural context as we seek to better contextualize the gospel for ourselves.
Author: P2C Students
Paperback: 77 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 19.2 x 24.2 x .8 cm / 225g
Publisher: P2C Students
Language: English