There are seven billion people in the world, seven billion stories. And yet there are themes in our stories that are universal: betrayal, love, romance, redemption, sacrifice . . . The question is if there's a larger story or narrative to which all our stories relate, one that makes sense of our shared experience a common back story.
This booklet goes on to explain the back story which, of course, is the Gospel:
1) Intimacy: God created us to know him
2) Betrayal: Humanity rebelled and sin separated us from him
3) Anticipation: The Scriptures promise of a coming Deliverer
4) Pursuit: The coming of Christ
5) Sacrifice: Jesus' death and resurrection
6) Invitation: God invites us to return to him
7) Reunion: The age to come, judgment and eternal life.
Backstory provides a broad, comprehensive explanation of the Gospel and a compelling case for Christ.
Author: Keith Davvy
Paperback: 20 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 15.3 x 10.2 x 0.2 cm / 19.7g
Publisher/Date: CruPress / 2010
Language: English