An Exploration of the spiritual questions Your Friends most commonly ask
This magazine-style resource offers a sincere, biblical perspective on the 8 biggest questions and struggles your college or high school friends probably have, boldly and clearly pointing them to Jesus. Useful as a table giveaway, conversation starter, gift for a spiritually curious friend, post-spiritual conversation leaving piece, and more.
Today’s College and High School students are anxious, confused, tired, and traumatized. This magazine-style resource offers a sincere, biblical perspective on 8 of the biggest questions and struggles students wrestle with, boldly and clearly pointing them to Jesus. Useful as a table giveaway, conversation starter, gift for a spiritually curious friend, post-spiritual conversation leaving piece, and more.
Generation Z carries the world’s problems around in their pockets, adding more burdens to their already-difficult lives. They’ve been called the most anxious generation, and 4 in 5 have experienced at least one traumatic event that left them “with a sense of helplessness, terror, or distress lasting more than a few weeks.” Thirty percent have had four or more such experiences.
As a result, questions swirl through their minds, as well as a yearning for life to be better. They need hope.
Everyone is on a spiritual journey. God is already at work. He wants to use you.
The Eight Questions
- Is There a God? Does that Matter to My Life?
- How can I Find Peace in Such a Stressful and Confusing World?
- In Such a Connected World, Why Do Feel So Isolated and Lonely?
- If God is Good, Why is there so much Evil, Pain, and Suffering?
- What Does the Bible Say about Justice?
- How can the Bible be Reconciled with Modern Science?
- Why is Christianity So Exclusive? Don’t All Religions Lead to the Same Place?
- Isn’t Believing in Jesus just Blind Faith?
Author: A CRU PRESS PUBLICATION (Jason Weimer was the chief editor on the project)
Paperback (Magazine style): 79 pages
Dimensions/Weight: 19 x 24 x 0.5 cm / 230g
Publisher: CRU Press / 2021
Language: English