The Art Of Marriage
Getting to the Heart of God's Design Video Event Couple's Set Manuals
For more than three decades, FamilyLife® has been helping couples understand God's plan for relationships. In The Art of Marriage video event, we weave together expert teaching, engaging stories, man-on-the street interviews, humorous vignettes, and much more to portray both the challenges and the beauty of God's design for marriage. The six sessions can be presented in a one-day or weekend format (Friday night through Saturday).
The six dynamic sessions are:
- Love Happens: God's Purpose and Plan
- Love Fades: Overcoming Isolation
- Love Dances: Fulfilling Our Responsibilities
- Love Interrupted: Communication and Conflict
- Love Sizzles: Experiencing Real Intimacy
- Love Always: Leaving a Lasting Legacy
For maximum impact, purchase a set for every couple attending. The manuals are essential for fully experiencing the video event and provide additional information and guidance after it ends.
The mission of FamilyLife® is to build godly marriages and families that will change the world, one home at a time. It expands with our compassion for families in need of help, and for those the Bible calls helpless. Through our getaways, broadcasts, web site, and resources, we are seeing God rewrite the legacies of husbands, wives, and children everywhere.
1. Marriage Oneness is a video based study that is different in teaching style (one teacher from a stage) and is a bit more in depth.
2. The Art of Marriage is a more visually pleasing and engaging video study that goes less in depth than Marriage Oneness but has a broader appeal.
3. The Art of Marriage Connect Series are conversation based studies that don’t include any video. They are centered on one particular subject rather than covering many subjects.
Author: FamilyLife
Paperback: 154 pages/book
Dimensions/Weight: 20.4 x 25.8 x 1.9 cm / 790g/set
Publisher/Date: FamilyLife Publishing / 2011 - Second Edition
Language: English